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Books You and Your Child Can Read Together

Why Beethoven threw the Stew
Steven Isserlis

A collection of short biographies of famous composers; they are informative and written with a sense of humor. By the way, the author is a fantastic cellist and has many recordings; he wrote this book for his own children. Recommended for children ages 10 and up.

An Illustrated History of Music for Young Musicians
Gilles Comeau and Rosemary Covert

Middle Ages and Renaissance, The Baroque Period, The Classical Period, The Romantic Period, The Twentieth Century. Five (thin) volumes which explore the characteristics of the music and the lives of the major composers, as well as the art, architecture, clothing of the period and invention timelines for each period. Recommended for children ages 11 and up. Although these are written for younger children, many high school students also enjoy reading these because they can finish a volume in a day or two.

The Children of Willesden Lane: Beyond the Kindertransport: A Memoir of Music, Love, and Survival
Mona Golabek, Lee Cohen

This book was recommended to me by students who met the author.

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