Effective Practice and Motivation

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Below are some of the many different aspects involved in learning how to practice the piano effectively.

Environment | Goals  | Musical Form | Rhythm | Fingering | Posture & Tension | Method | Memory | Pedal | Motivation


Children should always use 'good posture' at the piano. I hesitate to use these words because children often 'freeze' into uncomfortable positions when they hear commands such as 'sit straight' or 'curve your fingers'.
Ideally, children should feel comfortable, grounded and balanced when they are at the piano; their feet should either be flat on the floor or on the pedals, not stretched out. It is recommended that children who are unable to reach their feet to the floor comfortably while sitting on the bench should place their feet on a foot stool -phone books work really well too. Ask your child's teacher about good posture and habits at the piano. Good posture is not something that should be 'saved' for performances. Good posture is an important part of effective piano practice. Not only does it improve focus and concentration, a good technique requires that the entire body is functioning optimally.

Adjustable Piano Benches are important so that children are able to sit comfortably at the piano:
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All content © by Donna Gross Javel